Hi, I'm Dave, 40-something and father of 2.

Hi, I'm Dave, 40-something, and father of 2. My friends and I love finding practical solutions to stay lean and healthy with minimal effort. 

We focus on people like us: over 35 and with no time :-) We believe everybody can be lean and toned using our ReGen approach.

Four years ago I was sedentary, always tired and skinny fat. I had little muscle yet a belly. But, now after taking back my health and vitality, the time has come to share my insights on staying lean and healthy with absolute minimal time and effort.

I started off totally clueless about exercise and nutrition, and like most only did a bit of jogging and followed the usual healthy cooking books with 'pretty' pictures. Of course, with little results. But, then I focussed on reading lots of studies and finding practical ways to apply those. That's when I began to see good results even when exercising only for 1 hour in total per week!

Now, I love coaching and inspiring others.

Regenerate yourself.

Discover the free tips from our ReGen program we'll be posting regularly!
